Thursday 2 January 2014


I hope this post finds you well and healthy and an urge to begin (and sustain) 2014 with a positive attitude.

I wish I could say that I drank so much that I saw stars and drunk-texted every guy in my contact's list (I so badly wanted to say phone book… how retro) but it was a very dry night for me. This, however, meant I enjoyed my New Year's day in complete relaxation and not writhing in pain at the ache embedded deep into my skull (it wouldn't have been my first rodeo). 

Instead of forking out double-digit figures on a last minute ticket to a club, I accompanied a friend who so badly wanted to see the fireworks for the first time.

We arrived at Westminster station (yay for free/all-night tubes) and spent 4 hours in the cold and wet for the grand countdown. Although we experienced chaotic crowd-pushing, we managed to find a spot under shelter but right in front of the London eye… The display turned out to be worth the wait with the sea of umbrellas and cameras and the people under and behind them emanating such a exhilarating buzz that could only come of the prospect of a fresh start.

I shan't babble on, but instead, will let the pictures do the talking. 



(I forgot to mention that on the walk to Green Park tube station, we passed The Ritz. Schmancy.)

(I also have a video on my Instagram if you want to check it out @

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