Monday 30 December 2013

How To - Play It Cool (Mellow Methods)

I've recently been faced with the realisation that not all boys that take your phone number will actually call you… shocker.

Years of reading dating columns from glossy magazines that belonged to my sister did not actually prepare me for the harsh reality - I don't know whether this was because I was completely naive and unexperienced or because, no. I do know. It's definitely because I was completely naive and unexperienced.

So, ladies and gentlemen, facing the 'real' world of crowded, stuffy pubs and letting people into my "personal bubble" in clubs, concluded in the inevitable happening - I gave out my phone number for the first time.

But now, less frigid about letting people know my number, (what are the chances I've actually given them to it correctly after a few drinks??) I've finally gotten the 'why hasn't he called me?' bug. Ew, right? My 12 year old self would never had guessed.

Anyways, back to the point  - stay fresco, amigos.

  1. Don't believe that 'DON'T TALK TO HIM FIRST' bullshit. Let me remind you of the amount of guys that are mind readers: 0. They're not psychic. We all know that the dating game rules say 'let him make the first move', but what's that gonna lead to? Maybe you do, you lucky thing, get a guy who's intentions are wholeheartedly to call you - but spare a thought for us ladies that aren't so fortunate. Text or call him between a 2 - 4 day period. Don't wait for things to happen to you - make things happen.
  2. Do be enthusiastic, but do not act as if you could care less. Having a monotonous attitude is unattractive in ANY aspect of your life, and should be avoided at all times! Don't play it so cool that you get frozen out. 
  3. Don't tweet about it. I drunkenly tweeted about a guy that I met on a night out and received an almost immediate warning text informing me of what I'd just done. I like to stuff that mistake into the 'rookie error' pocket of my life. It gives the impression that all you're doing is thinking of him, and how, Lord tell me, do you explain it to your friends if he doesn't contact you?
  4. Do tell somebody, though. If nothing comes out of it, at least you had the thrill of the possibility. It's supposed to be fun, not a gruelling game of 'It's A Knockout'. 
  5. Don't let one experience prevent you from doing it again. Just because Jacob turned out to be a d*ck doesn't mean that Luke will be the same!
But remember that it is your phone number and treat it like your packet of gum: you can hand a couple out, but don't f*cking tell everyone.


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