Tuesday 27 May 2014

Boxpark Shoreditch and Whole Foods

Shame on me for lack of consistency, but at least I can rhyme?

It's been a while, hasn't it? The month of May has brought on a plague of stress via exams, moving out and copious expenses for travel home/a deposit on a house/summer plans. Wah, cue breakdown. But, amidst all that anxiety-inducing nonsense, I have found time to indulge myself in the city I so keenly craved to belong in.

I visited the Boxpark and Whole Foods on two different days, but I felt that although they were both amazing experiences, they just didn't have enough meat for a blog post each. So much goodness in one great (here's hoping) blogpost.

First and foremost, Boxpark. A little background, if you will: Boxpark is situated in Shoreditch (ooh la trendy) not too far from Brick Lane. It's unique in that the pop up 'mall' is made solely of shipping containers, giving birth to the name. 

You can see more photos of my day on my Instagram!

I decided to visit Boxpark after stumbling upon the DumDumDoughnuts Instagram and oh lordy am I glad I did.

(Sidenote: DumDum Doughnuts are BAKED spheres of deliciousness and so worthy of a try they even sell them in Harrods! Ow fancy, eh guvna?!) 

The main reason was indeed to sink my teeth in the calorific joy that is a Dum Dum doughnut, but I stumbled upon many gems on the way. A tiny Nike store, a Gap, little boutiques that sold far from mainstream goodies? Yeah yeah YES. But my favourite, by far, was The Guardian coffee shop. Yeah, it's affiliated with The Guardian newspaper (tablets on the coffee table, woah woah, let you access news on the Guardian webpage for super efficient learning-on-the-go) but it's quaint and eccentric in its own right. 

Fuhfuhfuhfirstly, friendliest. staff. ever. Lookit, they posed for me.

Secondly, great mocha. No frills, straight to the brain caffeine. *Shiver*.

All you could possibly need in a coffee shop, no?

What about the other part of the collocation, 'food and drinks', ya say? Let's talk about Whole Foods shall we?

The Whole Foods I visited was in Piccadilly Circus, but if you want the holy grail, check out the one in Kensington... but only if you're ready for it.

I think that in this case, pictures will definitely speak louder than words and you can just soak in all the goodness. I have a feeling we all know about the Whole Foods fad. (If you don't, let's let the most reliable* Internet source give you a couple of their best answers... 

closed parenthesis. Hahaha.

Now onto the gooooooodddd stuff.

Seriously? Did an aisle in a supermarket ever look as good to you? Nah.

I hope you enjoyed this blogpost on, well, mainly things you can digest.  But let's not pretend that 1) I do anything but eat and 2) you don't either. 'Til next time.


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