Tuesday 24 June 2014


There are many inconsistencies in my life at the moment. And I'd like to share them with you.

Oh, where are my manners? Hi!

The first and foremost little hiccup is my inconsistent posting. A lot of people find excuses for this but I have to admit I've just been busy. Hopefully this summer will bring on a bunch of new and exciting blog posts for me to enjoy writing and my audience (which is growing post by post, thank you!) to enjoy reading. Enjoy. Enjoy. Enjoy. Doesn't sound like a word anymore does it?

Anyways, I do solemnly swear to finally commit to this hobby and, fingers crossed, improve my blog for all the better :)

Secondly is my inconsistent location. I am currently at home in the middle of the countryside and it's such an antithesis of where I spend most of my days: London. Apart from the obvious hustle and bustle and, well, smog, the most prominent difference is company. I find myself spending a lot of time alone and not really having much at hand (apart from stroll the streets and look at the fields... *yawn*) to take the boredom away. There's probably going to be a +/- correlation with blogposts here somewhere.. haha) And as anyone blessed enough to have their parents live in their family home, too much of a good thing... (help. me.)

Within London is an inconsistency in itself: where I live. I'm fresh out of halls and have just obtained a flat. Me oh my, am I a grown up already? My recently savaged box of Alpro chocolate soya milk says quite the contrary...

I feel like whilst it is a huge relief to have a place waiting on my return, the stress in the meantime is a burden like no other. Okay, maybe it's parallel to the educational-doting comrades who survived the battle of A-Levels in that the whole summer is spent just waiting... (if you hold your *unconditional sign high up in the air and shake it in my face, get out. Also, congrats.)

Now I just need to put my "up-for--manual-labour" lapelled blazer on and get myself another job to fund my expensive decision to go to London. Funny how Bangor university got the last laugh.

All's well and good though and this is just my LONG winded word-vomit-style slur about schtuff. See you soon with a little (belated) piece about my long time love, Kina Grannis!


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