Sunday 29 December 2013

Long Time, No Post - London Life.

I apologise whole-heartedly for my absence to the 3 people (including myself) that actually read my blog, haha.

It's been a bit of a crazy couple of months away, and now that I've settled into London life, I think that blogging is definitely something I should take up again.

I'm currently at King's College London (if you care), studying English Language & Communication. I genuinely feel like London is the place to make things happen, and if I don't tell people (never mind if it is only the three of us - I need to remind myself sometimes!) what great things are happening, then I'm sure I'll regret it. Hopefully it will encourage you to go out and venture into unknown territory - permission granted, of course.

To start, I hope you had a lovely Christmas and will have an even better New Year.

I overheard a lady saying that 'New Year's was just a reminder that time was ticking on'. It is, lady with the charcoal grey peacoat and a fierce opinion, but I like to call it the 'bittersweet beginning'. It's the time of year to start sentences with 'remember when'. It's the time of year to float between the 4 digit numbers we stamp on the top right corner of our pages. It's the time of year to get excited about life again, before your schedule catches up with you.

Because let's be honest, who doesn't have a schedule? And even if you scoff at the idea of being controlled by something you willingly organised (be that a job, a degree, the magnet of the blue website heckling you to reblog images of The Fault in our Stars etc.) our lives always, always, always, follow a relentless pattern.

Anyways, like I mentioned before, my life has been switched up in terms of the patterns - I now zig-zag between dormant vehicles blocked up on Oxford Street and tessellate between the masses of tourists in Leicester Square. The smell of celebrities is fresh and exciting and I can literally TASTE the Chinese food from Covent Garden.

It's a city I'm blessed to live in and actually see between assignments and lectures, and I couldn't be more grateful it came at this point in my life.

I think that many people think about doing things, but how can you be content thinking about spending the whole day and possibly meeting Jennifer Lawrence at the Catching Fire premiere, when seeing her in person iS GUHREAET.

(oh hey mate, thanks for signing my book.)

And I know that not many people get the opportunity to do this, but I just wanted to share this tidbit of my life.
I guess you could call me Jenna Hamilton (minus the weed and I'd NEVER ditch Matty Mckibben, c'mon) - this is my life journal.

Next chapter - you are mine, Laborious London.


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