Thursday 20 March 2014


Long time no post… no excuses: I just haven't really been into the writing spirit.

I've been stuck in a whirlwind of university life, Veronica Mars (I'm watching all 3 seasons before the movie… 2 down, 1 to go. What will I accomplish? I'll tell ya when I'm done) and being a teenager.

However, something that has crept into my life is a little artist called Hozier. Hozier (or Andrew, I'm sure his bezzie mates call him) is an artist I happened to stumble upon earlier last week. …Okay, I admit it, I heard his stuff on Teen Wolf.

"Like Real People Do" is the song that features during a really RULLY cute scene. It's little anticipating acoustic tap at the beginning is hauntingly beautiful. Kinda like a musical version of waiting for a movie to finally come on after the adverts play. You're met by satisfaction in the form of a gorgeously toned voice and comforted by a consistent riff. Listen to the lyrics - they'll make your mind slow dance.

But my favourite song (after I exhausted the one aforementioned) is "Cherry Wine". It begins in the same melancholy way… the pluck of a string. I can't explain it, but I guess I can try. When I listen to it, my heart feels yellow and hollow and when I cross my arms to clutch my biceps to try and radiate that warmth from within, all I feel are chills. Antonymous, I know.

Listen for yourself, I guess. And please do - all of his stuff. Heck, buy his EP if you really want to.

(Disclaimer: Photo is not mine. This image belongs to

(Links are scattered all over this blog post. Just do what Charlie Swan doesn't… hover.)


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