Thursday 26 June 2014

Kina Grannis

...way back when I was a young'un, (I mean even more baby-faced than I am now) I stumbled upon a lady called Kina Grannis. I watched her 'Gotta Have You' by The Weepies cover with her sister, Emi. I watched her cover of 1234 by Feist. I got hooked.

When you're starting out at high school as I was then, people often underestimate how far little things go. And week in, week out, watching these videos on YouTube were my little sanctuary at 6 o'clock in the evenings. This was so far back that you could actually e-mail Kina herself and request shout-outs to be posted at the end of her videos (a random message, a birthday wish etc) and I did this several times. I ordered a signed copy of her first LP Stairwells: it was the first thing I'd ever ordered online. I used my dad's card. I fudged a lot of it up. (Who knew Address 1/Address 2 meant the lines of your address and not to put two different addresses 'just in case'?!?!)

 I think the thought of ever seeing her live was a little crazy because a) she was from Cailfornia and b) I was 11 and lived in the remote countryside of England.

But hey, crazy can. happen. My decision of going to university in London has blessed me with so many opportunities and the one I have cherished the most is watching (AND MEETING, EEEK) Kina Grannis. This is the modern fangirl-tale. Kina announced her return to England after two years (the last time she was here, I was merely but a fifteen year old child living 3 and a half hours away from London by car) and I rejoiced. Like, full on screamed 'hallelujah' into the ceiling of my room and memorised the date and time of the sale. And it was done.

If you still haven't heard of Kina Grannis, you're really missing out. Her compelling tone matched with the acoustic companion of her trusty guitar will bring you to your happy place. And it's brought the likes of Ellen Degeneres to hers too. Her new album, Elements, has such an attitudinal edge to it. It can't be described in a way that will do it justice, so maybe take a listen for yourself right here?

I do, of course, have a signed copy of Elements as well, and I'm going to try to make this a tradition.

Elements is the whole reason that Kina (and her wonderful husband/talented musician Imaginary Future) came to England/Europe. Their show was beyond amazing.

It was held at The Tabernacle in the Borough of Kensington/Chelsea.

Imaginary Future (aka. Jesse Epstein) was an astoundingly awe-inducing opener. He has such a charm, charisma and wit that emanates into the crowd, and then pauses time with his tranquil-toned voice. It's really, really captivating. You should definitely check out his music - my favourite song just so happens to be 'I Knew This Would Be Love' (*wink*).

Kina Grannis. *Deep breath* She was mind-blowing. She sang a couple of oldies and ended the show with The One You Say Goodnight To. It felt so surreal to have her stand a metre away from me. She brought Kate McGill (of Meadowlark) on to sing backup for a few of the songs and the harmonies felt like they could melt if they were touchable. I don't have enough words.

I also attended a free show at Westfield's (Shepherds Bush) as part of the Westfield's Present scheme. It was pretty spectacular and a good crowd of Kinerds were there to show their support. She played a lot more oldies which made me feel all kindsa nostalgic! Like, literally, my feels.

Here are some of the pictures I took and I might mush together the footage and create a little video. We'll see eh. Thanks for making it all the way to the end of this blogpost. I hope you're now a fan.


Tuesday 24 June 2014


There are many inconsistencies in my life at the moment. And I'd like to share them with you.

Oh, where are my manners? Hi!

The first and foremost little hiccup is my inconsistent posting. A lot of people find excuses for this but I have to admit I've just been busy. Hopefully this summer will bring on a bunch of new and exciting blog posts for me to enjoy writing and my audience (which is growing post by post, thank you!) to enjoy reading. Enjoy. Enjoy. Enjoy. Doesn't sound like a word anymore does it?

Anyways, I do solemnly swear to finally commit to this hobby and, fingers crossed, improve my blog for all the better :)

Secondly is my inconsistent location. I am currently at home in the middle of the countryside and it's such an antithesis of where I spend most of my days: London. Apart from the obvious hustle and bustle and, well, smog, the most prominent difference is company. I find myself spending a lot of time alone and not really having much at hand (apart from stroll the streets and look at the fields... *yawn*) to take the boredom away. There's probably going to be a +/- correlation with blogposts here somewhere.. haha) And as anyone blessed enough to have their parents live in their family home, too much of a good thing... (help. me.)

Within London is an inconsistency in itself: where I live. I'm fresh out of halls and have just obtained a flat. Me oh my, am I a grown up already? My recently savaged box of Alpro chocolate soya milk says quite the contrary...

I feel like whilst it is a huge relief to have a place waiting on my return, the stress in the meantime is a burden like no other. Okay, maybe it's parallel to the educational-doting comrades who survived the battle of A-Levels in that the whole summer is spent just waiting... (if you hold your *unconditional sign high up in the air and shake it in my face, get out. Also, congrats.)

Now I just need to put my "up-for--manual-labour" lapelled blazer on and get myself another job to fund my expensive decision to go to London. Funny how Bangor university got the last laugh.

All's well and good though and this is just my LONG winded word-vomit-style slur about schtuff. See you soon with a little (belated) piece about my long time love, Kina Grannis!
