Thursday 20 March 2014

Glee 100

I have just watched Glee's 100th episode. SQUEE, my heart feels numb.

So, if you care, read on about the things I quite liked and the things my fickle heart deliberated about. Please do not read on, however, if your eyes have yet to feast on the episode and you want all to be a surprise. In this circumstance, really, do something else.

Where do I begin, where do I begin…

Firstly - how do you tell your heart to stop leaping when you see Mike, Quinn, Puck, Rachel, Mercedes, Santana AND Brittany all back in the same room? They really brought out the stops for the milestone - Gwyneth Paltrow and Kristen Chenoweth too. CAN A GIRL CATCH A BREATH? Debating on writing a teeny tiny love letter to Ryan Murphy, his crew and the cast as I type. Seeing the interactions and most importantly the blend of the old and the new made my heart wanna twist and shout. So shake it on babEHH now.

And shake it they did! I'm still trying to figure out whether the whole 'recreation' of already performed songs were genius or a slipway to a Mufasa-like exit. I'm leaning on the genius… The familiar is great. You don't get the feeling of incompletion when you're greeted with the familiar. It was homely.

I did think that "Happy" was so refreshing in the midst of the re-sung, though! Maybe a balance would have been better… the cyclic effect that I seem to get the impression of is kinda tedious and I for one wanted to see how the characters took on new obstacles instead of running back to old ones - song wise and character wise. But you can't really complain when the songs were chosen by the fans, right?

I really liked how the story line developed just that arm stretch more to give us a little nugget of hope - Puck and Quinn are the cuteeeest (Chace Crawfy, how were we supposed to hate your obnoxious character with that gorgeous voice and luscious face?!?) And I'm an out and out Brittana shipper. But I hope that, despite my allegiance with Brittana, Ryan sticks true to Santana's character and doesn't have her running off to Brittany… I know my heart would never heal!

I loved how Finn was commemorated though. I couldn't stand to see Lea Michele cry.

I guess the running theme in 100 is nostalgia - whether that be in the form of the characters or the diva off or even the good old dumpster throw - it is definitely prominent. And y'know what, I found out I have very few bad words to say about it all. I guess that it's good that it was a toe-curling episode, because you can definitely feel the end of an era biting at your feet.

(Disclaimer: Image does not belong to me. Image can be found at



Long time no post… no excuses: I just haven't really been into the writing spirit.

I've been stuck in a whirlwind of university life, Veronica Mars (I'm watching all 3 seasons before the movie… 2 down, 1 to go. What will I accomplish? I'll tell ya when I'm done) and being a teenager.

However, something that has crept into my life is a little artist called Hozier. Hozier (or Andrew, I'm sure his bezzie mates call him) is an artist I happened to stumble upon earlier last week. …Okay, I admit it, I heard his stuff on Teen Wolf.

"Like Real People Do" is the song that features during a really RULLY cute scene. It's little anticipating acoustic tap at the beginning is hauntingly beautiful. Kinda like a musical version of waiting for a movie to finally come on after the adverts play. You're met by satisfaction in the form of a gorgeously toned voice and comforted by a consistent riff. Listen to the lyrics - they'll make your mind slow dance.

But my favourite song (after I exhausted the one aforementioned) is "Cherry Wine". It begins in the same melancholy way… the pluck of a string. I can't explain it, but I guess I can try. When I listen to it, my heart feels yellow and hollow and when I cross my arms to clutch my biceps to try and radiate that warmth from within, all I feel are chills. Antonymous, I know.

Listen for yourself, I guess. And please do - all of his stuff. Heck, buy his EP if you really want to.

(Disclaimer: Photo is not mine. This image belongs to

(Links are scattered all over this blog post. Just do what Charlie Swan doesn't… hover.)
